J’Accuse of 3 December on the appeal of the American actress Scarlett Johansson to free the Egyptian dissidents who rot in prison


J’Accuse of 3 December on the appeal of the American actress Scarlett Johansson to free the Egyptian dissidents who rot in prison

:link of my intervention about this question  in italian language


If I had to define the appeal of the American actress Johansson Scarlett in favor of the release of the 4 Egyptian dissidents, Gasser, Karim, Mohammad and Zaki, I would describe it as courageous and moving. An American woman, a Hollywood star, is struck by the barbarism practiced by the Egyptian regime against its citizens. A tyrannical system that has no equal on the planet and this under the eyes of all the democratic governments of the West. What would those who administer the foreign policy of your country and who maintain diplomatic and political relations with General Sisi think of you? Those who are preventing change in the Arab world probably brought him to power. Democracy is “forbidden” and the protection of human rights is just as seen as the sword of Damocles, because it would put an end to all the prevarications and excesses allowed so far to those who oppress their peoples in the name of an unsustainable and above all shameful political status quo. It is unfair. The end of the democratic experiment that brought the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt was wanted precisely because it would have exposed this truth: the contradictions and imbalances in the Middle East are a problem that must eventually come to the head of history…

 The military institution in Egypt banned the democratization of the nation and had no right to do so. this was only possible thanks to its military strength inside. The coup against President Morsi was not condemned by anyone, as it should have been, precisely because the Muslim Brotherhood is considered a danger for the West and for Israel itself. So who wants the dictatorship in Egypt? Who rejects dialogue? But the fall of Egypt under the grip of the generals is a defeat of democracy and a serious attack against that Arab spring that everyone hoped would last a long time ...


Scarlett should make another appeal to President Biden for the United States of America to examine its policies and resolve once and for all the question of democracy and respect for human rights in the Middle East, which is closely connected with the Peace issue with Israel. As long as the Palestinians do not have a homeland, of which part of Jerusalem will be the capital, the Arab world will remain hostage to this shameful and repulsive interference. The example of the American actress applies to all the stars who want to commit to a world without torture, without chains and without hunger. Everyone has the right to freedom and dignity. Free the Egyptian dissidents ...
