J'Accuse of Wednesday 17 January 2024 on the collapse of the American Empire between regional wars and threats of world conflicts

 J'Accuse of Wednesday 17 January 2024 on the collapse of the American Empire between regional wars and threats of world conflicts


A few days ago, Putin stigmatized the expulsion of Russian citizens from the Baltic countries, considering it a clear violation of human rights and Russia's rules of good neighborliness, and he usually reiterated in clear words that any expansion of NATO to the east towards the borders of Russia represents a clear threat to its national security. In my J'Accuse published on my Blog of 10/12/2017 on the interview of Vladimir Putin by Oliver Stone - Putin Interview, I underlined the following: "" Putin Said: "the problem of the Americans is that after the fall of the Soviet Union they had made a verbal commitment to President Gorbachev not to expand NATO towards Eastern Europe. This verbal commitment was never respected and so while we worked for détente they continued to arm themselves and flood their NATO up to our borders. The most cited “Protective Umbrella”, evocated to neutralize Russia's defensive capability is very illustrative of the current situation. This is why Americans continue to want to create the non-existent enemy and fuel the demonization of our country. Then when he talks about NATO again, he says that "it is an organization that had to be dismantled with the end of the Cold War". 

Now as before, the problem has always been that American desire to tighten its grip on Russia, pushing NATO towards its borders. It is no coincidence and finding itself a tough ace like Putin's Russia, this project has turned into a boomerang against the West, because the artificial and instrumental nature of the war in Ukraine demonstrates how deleterious and counterproductive this vision of the world and of NATO security. The fact of having sacrificed a country like Ukraine to his desires says a lot both about the truth of those who shamelessly lie about the real reasons for the ongoing conflict, which obviously does not respect the dignity and lives of Ukrainians, but about the reason of state and on the imperialistic will of those who dared to push the conflict with Russia to levels of tension and conflict never reached before. And the allusion to that of President Biden who did almost nothing to stop the conflict, indeed he even started insulting President Putin, jeopardizing the very security of Europeans. If yesterday as today, Moscow considers the enlargement of NATO as the main cause of the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, this accusation must give us some reflection: must we beleive that Moscow's reasons are to be ignored, because those of NATO are the truth itself which must prevail? And it is no coincidence that it continues to consider the fate of the world linked to the outcome of this conflict. It's absurd to think so but those who spread these ideas are making fun of the whole world. The question of peace or war in Ukraine was, and remains, linked to respect for Russia's historical, cultural, political and strategic interests in this country. Those who wanted and dared to touch these interests by plotting and creating chaos in that country faced her wrath. Its awakening, as well as that of China and emerging regional powers, somehow represents the beginning of the crumbling of the American empire. Reagan once dared to define the Soviet Union as "the evil empire". Today that same evil empire has spread like wildfire in America and elsewhere and threatens our civilizations, causing wars and inequality between individuals and nations. We are facing the greatest threat of destabilization and upheaval ever faced before. With the war in Gaza, the veil has been lifted on the monstrosities and cruelty of the current world order.
