J’Accuse of Friday 23 August 2024: The American Dream and Kamala Harris, the latest invention of the American Democrats

 J’Accuse of Friday 23 August 2024: The American Dream and Kamala Harris, the latest invention of the American Democrats

To those who cling to the American Dream, I say that this concept is a mere illusion and I say it with my heart in my hand, being a believer and supporter of this dream since my early youth. What does this concept mean? We can define it in a thousand convergent ways: freedom, respect for human rights, equality of opportunity, conquest of well-being and space to improve human conditions in the world, widespread social and scientific human progress, respect for international law and the law of nations. In short, these are all concepts and principles on which we can converge and say that we are totally in tune with these ideals. But what we see today in America and in the world tells us that Americans have understood nothing of their country and that what they see and believe does not correspond at all to the ideals and principles mentioned above. What immediately comes to light is the abysmal distance between the American leadership and the American people, because there is an elected staff in command that formulates and executes internal and international policies and a widespread opinion in the country that is absolutely divergent from the latter. We saw it during the protests against the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza, repressed by the police, we see it in the colossal inequalities in American society between rich and poor, in inter-ethnic and racial conflicts, in conflicts of interest between federal states and in the same electoral system with which the President of the Republic of the United States of America is elected, where each state has a number of electors not proportional to its population but formulated according to the importance and the same balance of power forged over time between the different federated entities of the American state. In short, what I want to underline is the simple and tangible idea that there is a profound inconsistency between what constitutes the constitutional and moral foundation of the USA and what is happening today in the country and in the world. If until a month ago we witnessed the disasters created by Democratic President Biden in foreign policy (not to mention domestic), we realize the great disillusionment that is crystallizing before us. We have preachers of democracy, specifically the leadership of the American Democratic Party, who lie to themselves about the failures, the disasters in foreign policy and this constant, partial and ruinous planning that we absolutely cannot associate, as I initially said, with the ideals of the concept of the American dream. Kamala Harris is a product of this political class, of that illusory motto of Obama “Yes we can” which becomes “Yes She can”, and which I would ultimately define as “No body can, if we don’t change ourselves before we change the world”. America, spectator and author of the miseries and genocides in the world, will have to shake itself up internally and it is ultimately the American people who must make this great decision, not the usual notables of the Democratic Party or the Republican Party at the service of the strong powers and American lobbies.
