J'Accuse on the Israeli Attack in Lebanon: Exploding Walkie Talkies or the Return to Hitlerism

 J'Accuse on the Israeli Attack in Lebanon: Exploding Walkie Talkies or the Return to Hitlerism

What to think and write about this attack. Military strategy or desperation and moral frivolity of Tel Aviv strategists and generals? I really feel sick to my stomach when I see the events of the walkie talkies exploding in the hands of the men of the Lebanese Resistance, namely Hezbollah fighters. I don’t know how far the wickedness of man can go? I still ask myself, more horrified than before. It is certainly not just a squalid and counterproductive Mossad Intelligence operation, but it is the mathematical demonstration of how Hitler’s victims have, willingly or unwillingly, clearly surpassed him in horror and ruthlessness towards the peoples of the Middle Eastern region. But it is also a failure of the democratic West that sees itself dragged into the Israeli horror, without being able to affirm and defend the rights and freedoms that are the foundation of democracy, of which it believes itself to be the custodian and defender throughout the world. When thousands of civilians are killed without a valid reason, or a trial, but just because, as Netanyahu claims, his country is at war and the war allows him to be a butcher without answering to any court, or being reprimanded by his European and American allies, fearful of losing their scepter because of the powerful Jewish Lobbies that govern and influence the course of politics in individual Western countries, it is simply pure madness. It is truly, as I stated yesterday, the decline of democratic values, which has been revealed in this affair: they are effective only when one wants to distinguish Western interests from those of the peoples subjected to their colonialism and oppression. Colonialism is precisely what we are dealing with when we examine the Israeli problem from its genesis to today. The imposition of the Jewish state on the Middle Eastern region by the West, including Stalinist Russia at the time, had caused decades of war, misery and tragedy for all the Middle Eastern peoples who saw themselves plundered and driven from their lands by Jews who emigrated from Eastern Europe and everywhere. The same victims of Hitlerism had used violence and terrorism to build and give birth to their state, as we know it today. The historical truth cannot be different from this. That land does not belong to you. And from then until today the Palestinians have been fighting to recover the colonized land. All this has distorted and altered political relations and the economic, social and cultural development itself in the Middle Eastern area. If democracy itself has been sacrificed for decades in favor of dictatorships friendly to the West to continue its plans for domination, giving rise to the mockery of a backward and uncivilized Islam and Arab world, right now the Resistance that is accused in the West of terrorism and incivility, represents, alas, the only way to reaffirm the rights stolen and plundered by migrants who arrived in Palestine decades ago. The story of the walkie talkies is emblematic and is the index of the hatred and barbarism that is spreading, without anyone in the world having the strength and courage to say enough, enough with the horror, enough dragging us into the abyss of this limitless and reasonless barbarism.
