J’Accuse of January 12, 1925: the story of Cecilia Sala between light and shadow and its political exploitation

J’Accuse of January 11, 1925: the story of Cecilia Sala between light and shadow and its political exploitation

I wanted to approach today's article with a historical and less propagandistic approach than Western newspapers and televisions do. Unfortunately, we are always faced with a way of reporting the news that always remains partial, mendacious and superficial and its reading always aims to hide the most important aspects in my opinion.

At the time of the end of the Second World War, the Americans were the only holders of the secrets of the atomic bomb that they dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It was thought then that no one would rival Washington in its imperialistic and hegemonic ambitions over the world. They were, fortunately, until proven otherwise, the so-called Western democracies that triumphed over the Nazi-fascist dictatorships, and therefore their monopoly on military secrets was more than legitimate, in the face of growing threats from the Soviet Union, which was also in the running to build its own. The years passed and soon in 1949, the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb, called RDS-1 or "First Lightning", in the Semipalatinsk range, in present-day Kazakhstan. It was thanks to a small group [1] of American scientists and politicians that atomic parity was achieved and it was, in my humble opinion, of fundamental importance in maintaining future balances and a peace that lasted until 1989, the year of the fall of the Berlin Wall. What does this mean: deterrence should not always be seen as an evil, but ultimately thanks to that balance of terror, the confrontation between the Americans and the Soviets, now replaced by the Russians, was avoided and with it the nuclear holocaust that we always risk if conflicts and disputes are not resolved with dialogue and mutual respect.

In the story of the arrest of the Iranian engineer Abedini, something we saw between the years 1945 and 1949 of the century recurs: the will of the Americans to prevent their enemies from having that military technology and those weapons that would threaten their empire and its allies in the Middle East and Western Europe. But in the end, as we have seen, the knowledge and know-how of military technology always pass. No one can prevent their diffusion that happens, willingly or not, sooner or later. This same distrustful and explicitly denial attitude accompanied the long process to endorse its nuclear program that took place within the IAEA, in which the major world powers participated. The Agreement signed in July 2015 held up until Trump's election. With his return and the worsening of the Middle Eastern wars, the climate that reigns today between Iran and the West is one of total mistrust, exacerbated by fears and pressing requests to attack Iranian nuclear power plants, in order to eliminate any atomic parity that would change everything in the Middle East.

Now returning to the heart of the matter, ethically the arrest of Abedini is very questionable, because no one can be prevented from knowing and having the Drone technology, now widely used and known among all the powers. From a legal point of view, as has been said by some observers, it presents flaws regarding the accusations made and the evidence collected against him. It is clear that the case of the Iranian scientist is a purely political issue and as such must be addressed with dialogue and resolution of the issues on the table. Since the press and television do not say everything about the real problems, then it is up to us to make the appropriate clarifications. We cannot continue like this with wars and genocides against the weakest to ensure our safety. Sooner or later there will come a day when we will realize this and it will be very late. I hope that this political and historical reflection of mine will awaken some consciences and give back to our sleeping people that suffocated reason and that dignity trampled by those who do not respect our history and our values ​​as an independent nation that respects others. This story does not end with the return home of Sala, to whom we wish every serenity, but with the reopening of dialogue with the Iranians and I would even extend it to the Russians, their allies. The West cannot hide behind its military superiority, knowing full well that sooner or later this superiority will disappear. And the Israelis themselves, authors of the genocide in Gaza, will answer sooner or later for these crimes. Let us not forget the arrest warrant against Netanyahu, issued by the International Criminal Court. Ultimately what I did not appreciate is the political exploitation of this story. The tears and crocodile emotions of its protagonists. Human beings are not worth the same. The duty and the rights of redemption is owed to those inferior.
