J’Accuse of Friday 7 March 2025 on rearmament in Europe and its terrible political and military consequences
J’Accuse of Friday 7 March 2025 on rearmament in Europe and its terrible political and military consequences
Three years ago I
wrote an article on the outbreak of war in Ukraine analyzing its causes, also
making a comparison with the Cuban crisis that could have given rise to the
Third World War. I wrote then: “today peace in Europe is threatened because of
this fruitless and paradoxically incoherent approach to building a “European
Common Home” of nations where peace and collaboration would reign. But I would
speak of a concept much loved by philosophers and historians who are not
aligned. I would not like to cite any of them, but I will: “…among all these
nations diversified in their histories, languages, cultures interspersed with
courtyards without fences, barriers, or military forts, we have erected
courtyards adorned with gardens. They were the places of the soul, where our
most illustrious politicians, intellectuals, monks and simple citizens
exchanged their reflections and their projects to improve the quality of our
life and to defend the freedom and peace so laboriously and diligently achieved
after fratricidal wars between our peoples…! The courtyard, friends, is that
SPACE for dialogue and empathy that is missing today in this decadent and
immoral Europe, enslaved by the strong powers of finance and warmongers who
have no respect for the people and peace itself, which we risk losing, if the
Russians decide on their countermoves to the enlargement decided by NATO”.
Today, unlike yesterday, NATO exists only on the surface, after Trump’s changes
in alliances and geostrategic interests, currently underway in American foreign
policy; its threat no longer exists and does not seem more threatening to
Russia than the bellicose and warmongering intentions of those in this Common
European House, in Brussels, Paris, Berlin and London continue not to admit the
idea that this war is harmful and broke out from an aggression that was not
accidental and not without a basic reason, but to which all the states involved
in the crisis and in the Ukrainian chessboard contributed in that NATO once,
and they were the times of warmongering democratic presidents, aggressive and
imperialist. The cynical and anti-realistic reasoning of those like the
English, the French and the Germans who continue to think of sending troops in
order to "not only stem the advance of the Russians, after the end of
American aid to the Ukrainians, but also to reconquer the territories (Donbass
and Crimea)" that the Russian Federation itself considers strategic and
untransferable after the change of the political regime in Kiev, which occurred
with the so-called Maidan revolution of 2014, is absurd.
In this context of
upheavals in the balance, the call for rearmament made by the President of the
European Commission Von der Leyen sounds like a return to the thirties of the
last century when Hitler decided to rearm Germany to implement his plan of
revenge against Western democracies and the annexation of German territories to
the great Reich. Although today's situation is not similar to that just evoked,
it is no less full of challenges and dangers for the European Common House,
this great House laboriously built with rules of coexistence, solidarity,
respect for minorities and above all the renunciation of the use of weapons to
resolve political disputes that would arise between its members. These ideals
translated into the great principles that make up its founding treaties, its
laws and Regulations had contributed for decades to the maintenance of peace,
the economic and cultural progress of the peoples that are part of it. Today,
the weakening of the alliance and the political and military guarantees ensured
by the Americans, makes it enter a deep identity, political, cultural and security
crisis. But it is also the sign of the times changed with the advent of
populism and the return of nationalists to power in Rome, Budapest, Poland, the
Czech Republic, etc... The list grows with the passing of time and the growth
of the consensus of these formations says a lot about how this European Common
Home will be colored, with Celtic crosses, Nazi symbols and calls for racial
purity and primacy over other nations. In this dark context, the same fury on
the idea of all-out war for Ukraine becomes a source for these extremists who
find their space for propaganda against the popular socialist and liberal
parties guilty of supporting unsustainable, costly and ruinous policies for
their nations of reference. And here, friends, the concept of the COURTYARD
returns, that space for dialogue and listening to the other, which has been
missing in all these years of war and I am also referring to those ethnic wars
against the Russian-speaking minorities of Donbass that gave rise to the war
against Ukraine. In truth, even the failure to build, after the fall of the
Berlin Wall, a Security System in Europe, based on mutual recognition and the
demilitarization of areas considered strategic for all parties. Today we are
faced with a project that aims to militarize and restore aggressive power to
countries in the European Common House, which could potentially start war
again, because the rivalries and their history are antithetical. We know well
that there are still conflicts of this kind between the French, Germans and
Italians, not to mention the English themselves. Giving Europe back a military
capacity is in itself dichotomous and anti-historical, but in the current
context, in light of the return of nationalism, it is ultimately like digging
the grave of this house, so laboriously built and loved.
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